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History of Gerkatin

Previously, there were several regional Indonesian deaf community organizations that had been formed in 1960, including: Bandung with the name SEKATUBI (Indonesian Deaf and Mute Association), PTRS (Semarang Deaf Association), Yogyakarta PERTRI (Indonesian Deaf Association), PEKATUR (Surabaya Deaf Association). In connection with the large number of regional deaf community organizations, several leaders of these organizations agreed to hold the 1st National Congress on February 23, 1981 in Jakarta. The results of the Congress have produced several decisions, including perfecting the name of the organization into one, namely GERKATIN, an abbreviation of the Gerakan untuk Kesejahteraan Tuna Deru Indonesia in English, namely IAWD (Indonesian Association for the Welfare of the Deaf). In further developments, GERKATIN / IAWD has been registered since 1983 as a member of the WFD (World Federation of the Deaf) in Indonesia. The World Federation of the Deaf is headquartered in Helsinki, Finland.

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Deaf or hard of hearing is someone who has lost their hearing since birth due to fate and other factors (illness, disaster, accident, old age). People who are deaf/hard of hearing have clearly received a lot of backwardness in various information), word of mouth communication is also hampered, although on the very disadvantageous side but there is a saying that "the body may be disabled as long as the soul is not disabled" this is what gives us the spirit to catch up and we are able to match equality with hearing people through education that visual access including lip reading, writing, reading running text and communicating using sign language.

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Achieving equality of opportunity in all aspects of life and livelihood


Creating a civil deaf organization


To become a national organization that partners with the government and non-government to realize equality in opportunity, improve the welfare and competence of deaf people in all aspects of life and livelihood.

Gerkatin's Achievements

Jakarta, Indonesia, through GERKATIN was selected as the host by the World Federation of the Deaf in the Asia Pacific region to hold the 16th Asia Pacific Delegation Meeting of the Deaf in December 2004 at the Sari Pan Pasifik Hotel and was attended by 14 participating countries and officially opened by the Indonesian Minister of Social Affairs, Mr. Bachtiar Chamsyah SE.

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DPP GERKATIN Management Structure

Periode 2023 - 2025

Pak Bambang_Ketua.jpg
Bambang Prasetyo
Bu Junati_Wakil Ketua.jpg
Juniati Effendi
Vice Chairman
Ir. H. Aprizar Zakaria_Ketua DPOP.jpg
Ir. H. Aprizar Zakaria
Central Organization Advisory Council
Tori Hermawan_Sekretarias.jpg
Tori Hermawan
Wilma Redjeki_Wakil Sekretarias.jpg
Wilma Redjeki
Deputy Secretary
Dhita Indriyanti_Ketua Bendahara.jpg
Dhita Indriyanti
Ahmad Ridwan Rais_Wakil Bendahara.jpg
Ahmad Ridwan Rais
Deputy Treasurer

Structure of Gerkatin Coordinators

The following are the areas of each aspect headed by the coordinator as follows:

Nancy Vivienne OK.jpg
Welfare Sector
& Health
Nancy Vivienne Rosanna
Andrew Sihombing OK.jpg
Field of education
& Teaching
Andrew E. Z. Sihombing
Muhammad Andika Panji OK.jpg
Legal Aid Sector,
Justice & Political Rights
Muhammad Andika Panji
Ricendy Januardo OK.jpg
Manpower Sector
& Entrepreneurship
Ricendy Januardo
Siti Rodhiyah OK.jpg
Youth Sector
& Child Empowerment
Siti Rodhiyah
Michelle Stella ok.jpg
Empowerment Field
Women & Protection
Michelle Stella
Stefan OK.jpg
Coverage Areas
& Documentation
Stefanus Sinar Firdaus
Nasarudin OK.jpg
Accessibility Field
& Public Services
Hervita EL Fatich OK.jpg
Arts Field
& Sport
Hervita EL Fatich
Intan Adelia Suryani OK.jpg
Field of Response
Intan Adelia Suryani
Clara Gheta Aktalisa ok.jpg
Data Collection & Field
Visual Information Design
Clara Gheta Aktalisa
Iwan Satryawan ok.jpg
Foreign Relations Division
Iwan Satryawan
Dimas Hendrayanto_Ketua Kepemudaan.jpg
Bidang Manajemen
Dimas Hendrayanto
Fedayen Alqowasi ok.jpg
Public Relations Division
Fedayen Alqowasi

DPD GERKATIN Management Structure

Periode 2023 - 2025

Each province has a DPD Gerkatin management that carries out the function of managing and providing public services for the Deaf, with the aim of providing access to a better life for the Deaf through cooperation programs with various parties, both from the government and private sectors.

Map kepengurusan DPD Gerkatin-01_edited.

History of the Leadership of Chairman and Vice Chariman


Vice Chairman

Pak Bambang.jpg
Bambang Prasetyo
Periode 2020 - 2025
Juniati Effendi
Periode 2020 - 2025
Bu Juniati.jpg
Pak Bambang.jpg
Bambang Prasetyo
Periode 2015 - 2020
Juniati Effendi
Periode 2015 - 2020
Bu Juniati.jpg
Ir. H. Aprizar Zakaria
Periode 2011 - 2015
Juniati Effendi
Periode 2011 - 2015
Pak Aprizar.jpg
Bu Juniati.jpg
Ir. H. Aprizar Zakaria
Periode 2006 - 2011
Agus Budiman
Periode 2006 - 2011
Foto kosong.jpg
Pak Aprizar.jpg
Pak Dim.jpg
Dimyati Hakim
Periode 2002 - 2006
Juniati Effendi
Periode 2002 - 2006
Bu Juniati.jpg
Pak Dim.jpg
Dimyati Hakim
Periode 1997 - 2001
Ir. H. Aprizar Zakaria
Periode 1997 - 2001
Pak Aprizar.jpg
Pat Sulistiowati
Periode 1991 - 1994
Drs Harpolis Alwi
Periode 1991 - 1994
Bu Pat ok.jpg
Pak Alwi.jpg
AN. Siregar
Periode 1988 - 1991
Drs Harpolis Alwi
Periode 1988 - 1991
Foto kosong.jpg
Pak Alwi.jpg
Pat Sulistiowati
Periode 1984 - 1987
Drs Harpolis Alwi
Periode 1984 - 1987
Bu Pat ok.jpg
Pak Alwi.jpg
Drs Harpolis Alwi
Periode 1981 - 1984
Dita Rukmini
Periode 1981 - 1984
Pak Alwi.jpg
Bu Dita OK.jpg
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